Custom Meat Processing

Let us process your meat!

Here at Lighthouse Custom Meats we have excellent meat professionals ready to process your order according to your exact specifications. 

Who Is This For?

Custom processing is for people who have access to an animal they need to have processed. 

If you do not have an animal, you can still purchase meat buy shopping online or visiting our store.

How To Book Your Processing

Book Online

We have an excellent online program that allows you to order precisely what you want with ease. 

In Person/Call In

We can take your order by phone or stop by our storefront to talk to one of our knowledgeable team members directly.

What We Offer

The primary goal at Light House Custom Meats  is to be a premier meat processing facility, as well as, to provide a retail area and fresh meat counter that offers the local community the opportunity to consistently obtain only the Highest Quality Meats & Select Cuts. Our team of expert Meat Cutters are always on hand if you need a cut that is not offered at the counter.

Quality Control

Light House Custom Meats is one of the few Federally Inspected plants in Indiana. This ensures our compliance with the United States Government’s extreme levels of processing procedures and sanitary practices.

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